Roepnaam: Harley
Geboren: 12 mei 2019
NHSB: 3184581 (lmp. LT)
Glad - wit/zwart
Ogen en PL getest
Ultra Bjorn |
Forever Young Big Scotty’s Dream |
Ballbreaker’s Fatboy |
Alaska Big Scotty’s Dream |
Ultra Honeybee |
Macbraedly Out of the Box |
Ginger Spice Balao |
La-La-Fa Larky Online |
Ultra Sagittarius Sign |
Macbraedly Out of the Box |
Glossy Gaia of Jack’s Paradise |
Betti |
Lovely-Orange Never Give Up |
Matilda Cherniy Voron |
(Fok)geschiktheidsaankeuring NVJRT - goedgekeurd
Papa = Harley